Pobody’s Nerfect, not Even the VENTY
We’ve used a lot of different cannabis related devices and what nots over the last decade, and even the absolute best pieces have “well I’d prefer if it…” factors about them, and this includes the VENTY from Storz & Bickel. While the VENTY is definitely one of the best vaporizers available, loading it can be slightly messy, but we’ve got you.
From “Hard to Clean” to “Easy to Load”
The VENTY Funnel is the perfect and wholly clean way to load your VENTY. The inherent design of the device leaves a “no man’s land” section between the bowl and the threads that becomes more difficult to clean the longer you leave it, and it’s not even easy after the first load.
Installation is a Breeze
Loading the VENTY requires the user to remove the cooling unit to load it regardless, so easily thread the Funnel on first and enjoy a superior, completely clean loading experience.
Save Money, Vape Trees
Unless you’ve got Saudi money, things are pretty tight for everyone right now, and you do not want to waste any of your valuable flower. The VENTY Funnel is an easy choice for those who plan on loading their VENTY often and want to do so without mess.