The Party Globe Brings Joy to the Masses
We've got something to tell ya; we've got news for you. Gonna put some wheels in motion, get ready 'cause we're coming through with the Party Globe. Did we go to far? Arguably. Do we regret it? Nope. The Party Globe is everything that your guidance counsellor warned you about; this is your brain on drugs. As Wayne and Garth might say, “Party Time, excellent!”
Building Off Our Best
The Party Globe uses our super popular Mega Globe as its foundation, and our Flat Earth base as its… foundation. Combining these two iconic pieces brings you something that you’re familiar with that also has the stability to handle even the most rambunctious sessions, and then we build upon that, further.
Compatible With Most Vaporizers, Even Heavy Hitters
The Party Globe has an 18mm input, wider than the Mega Globe, and this is super intentional as you’ll now be able to use larger vaporizers, and we’ll get into why size matters (just in this case, we swear). If you do want to stick with 14mm, though, we’ve included an adapter that works seamlessly and lets you use a wider variety of your arsenal.
The Party Globe uses our most popular, free flowing percolator, the Stereo Matrix, to make sure you can pull as hard as you want and never get milkshake’d™️. Chase the biggest clouds with the least effort; sounds good, right? But, where’s the party?
Four Score and Seven Grams Ago
The Party Globe does take advantage of a 14mm output you can rip on with the included whips or the glass mouthpiece. Wait, there’s more? That many, seriously? The Party Globe has FOUR 14mm outputs with FOUR included whips for the most excellence of party times with your buds simultaneously. Amazing! Only need one or two whips? No problem, just use the included stoppers to open as many or as few outputs as desired.
Hey now, hey now, hear what I say now, happiness is just around the corner; we'll be there for you, with the Party Globe. Whether you’re looking to party with a group, or be a one-man roving shindig, the Party Globe is the most unique piece we’ve designed, and we hope you’re as excited as we are with this free-flowing multi-person party machine.