Remember when you were like 17, and your mom kept complaining about all the missing screens in the faucets? Yaaaa. We’ve grown up from then, a little at least. Well, our taste has. No more sink screens for you, step up to Premium 5/8” Titanium Screens. Everyone prefers titanium when it’s available, it is the premium choice. Replacing your stainless-steel screens with titanium gives you that little bit of ‘extra’ to your setup we all like to brag about. As long as you don’t mistreat it, titanium will last virtually forever; it's a durable metal and a huge step above a standard stainless-steel screen. We’re selling these individually, so grab as many as you need. The 5/8” size will work in many injector bowls or even for combustion if that’s your preference. The screens can be trimmed but be careful doing so as you could befoul the shape or fidelity. Grab some Premium 5/8” Titanium Screens, when your mom’s just won’t do.