How To Tighten A DynaVap Cap | The Easy Way To Find The Right Fit | A Guide by Sneaky Pete

How To Tighten A DynaVap Cap | The Easy Way To Find The Right Fit | A Guide by Sneaky Pete

, by Peter Casale, 7 min reading time

It's a question I get asked all the time – How do I tighten or adjust my DynaVap cap? The cap is the magic of the DynaVap system, it has a temperature indicating click that lets you know when your device is at the best temperature for vaporizing.

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    Today I want to go over a question I get asked all the time – How do I tighten or adjust my DynaVap cap?  For those who don’t already know, DynaVaps are fantastic little portable vaporizers that are crazy efficient and can pack a punch that few other vapes can match.  You heat them with a butane torch or induction heater, and they can produce either a nice, light and tasty vapour or the thickest vapour clouds you can run across, just skirting on the edge of combustion but still 100% vapour.  You get these different experiences from how you heat the cap.

    The cap is the magic of the DynaVap system.  It has a temperature indicating click that lets you know when your device is at the best temperature for vaporizing.  If you respect the click and stop heating as soon as you hear it, you’ll get a great vape every time.  The general rule is the longer it takes to reach the click, the hotter your oven and cannabis will be and the thicker your hit will be.  A faster click gets lighter vapour and much better flavour.

    So, this all sounds good, you order a new DynaVap, and when it arrives the Cap is so loose it falls off completely.  Your friend’s DynaVap doesn’t do this.  What’s going on?  Did you get a faulty vape?  Do you need a new cap?

    The good news is no, you don’t need a new cap and your DynaVap isn’t faulty, you just need to adjust your cap.  It is super easy to do!  I haven’t had a DynaVap yet that I have not adjusted my cap on.  I like a really nice tight fit, so even if they’re already reasonably tight out of the tube I still give mine an extra tightening for that ultra-secure fit.  The caps are made from stainless steel and they are very strong, so don’t fear manually tightening them up.  If you don’t go nuts on them, they are incredibly difficult to damage through normal use and adjustment.

*How to Tighten Your Cap*

    Remove the cap from your DynaVap tip and hold it between your thumb and forefinger, with the poker facing parallel to either one.  Now just pinch the cap towards the poker, not up at the top where the clicker lives, but down by the poker and the opening of the cap.  When I pinch mine, I also gently roll it side to side about 1/8th of a full rotation.  After giving it a good pinch, put it back on the tip and asses the fit.  If it’s tight enough, your good to go, but if it’s not then just give it another pinch and repeat until you get the fit you’re after.  At first, do a smaller pinch and come back to adjust more if needed instead of going all out with the initial tightening.  But what if you tighten it TOO much?

*How to Loosen Your Cap*

    If you do tighten the cap up too much, don’t worry because that’s very easy to fix as well.  Hold the cap again between your thumb and forefinger, but this time align the poker so it is in the open gap between your thumb and finger and not parallel to either one.  You want it at 90° to the position you held it for tightening so that you’re doing the exact opposite to the cap’s bend.  Now do the same pinch and subtle roll to loosen the fit, test, and repeat if needed.


    To tighten: hold cap between thumb and forefinger, pointer next to the thumb, pinch, test and adjust if needed

    To loosen:  hold cap between thumb and forefinger, pointer in open gap between thumb and forefinger, pinch, test and adjust if needed

    Remember, caps are strong and sometimes they need a solid pinch or two for tightening/loosening.  If it doesn’t work after the first pinch, just repeat until you get the exact fit you’re after.  I have personally handled many DynaVaps in my time and I’ve seen some extremely loose caps, but I’ve never had one that wasn’t easily tightened up using this method.  Even if it’s extremely loose, don’t despair, I’ve seen this process work on the loosest of caps.  Don’t go Hulk mode on the first pinch though, do a little and repeat if needed.  I’d never use a tool or anything other than bare hands to do this.  If needed you can do it with 2 hands, just use the same pinch and roll technique paying attention to where the poker is and tighten or loosen to your liking.

    One last thing to remember, constant heating and cooling of your cap (especially in the first few cycles) may cause the fit to adjust a little.  Caps tend to find their perfect fit after a little use and exposure to heat.  Use the technique you just learned to re-adjust if this happens after that first fitting.  After this, it’s unlikely you’ll need any more changes.

    DynaVap and tons of accessories are available at and


Keep it Green, Keep it Sneaky

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