Ooooh, doggie, look what he's cooked up this time! Ed always has his finger on the pulse, and with the rise in popularity of injector style vaporizer systems we knew it wouldn’t be long before he dropped some new injector gear. Sure enough, the Ed’s TNT Injector Bowl has arrived and it's everything we hoped for.
The Ed’s TNT Injector Bowl will work with some of the most popular injector systems, including Cannabis Hardware, Old Head Trading Co, Elev8r, Herborizer, and many more. The 18mm female input allows for any of these styles of vaporizers to fit perfectly. It's available with either a 14mm or 18mm output, opening up many options for compatible water pipes or other cooling solutions.
Crafted to perfection from beautiful cocobolo wood, each Injector Bowl is beautifully unique, no two are alike. Exquisitely made to high quality standards, you won’t have to worry about breaking it either. Because wood is a great insulator, the heat will be focused where it should be, on your flower, not heating up the bowl or air beyond it. This is the second iteration of Ed’s TNT Injector Bowl, and the fine mesh screen is now set at a 5/8” depth for better performance and includes a recessed bottom for increased airflow. Extra screens are included as well, so you’ll be set for quite a while.
Innovation brings out the best in creators, and Ed being the best of creators, brings us the best after-market goods. Ed’s TNT Injector Bowl is the perfect upgrade for anyone using a compatible injector system, if you want to improve your flavour and vapour output, you’ll want to add one to your set-up.