Water Pipe Adapters
Great White North Vaporizer Company Crafty+/Mighty+ Glass Adapter
**Do not over-tighten the adapter onto your vaporizer! It only needs a slight/eighth turn, over-tightening will damage your vaporizer.** This water pipe adapter is designed to fit Crafty and Mighty vaporizers to take your vaping to the next level. Plumb in a water pipe to your vape set-up for cooler vapour, concentrating it through percolation for larger and cloudier hits. The adapter comes in 14mm and 18mm male vaporizer joint variations, and connects universally to 10mm, 14mm, and 18mm female water pieces. Easy to install, simply remove the cooling unit on your vaporizer, then line up the slots on the adapter with the holes on your device. Very slightly twist the adapter to secure it; an eighth turn will make it completely secure. Be sure not to twist the adapter too much! Over-tightening will damage your vaporizer. Once the adapter is secured, attach your modified vaporizer to your water pipe of choice and enjoy fresh water hits. Highly recommended for Crafty and Mighty users for a superior vape experience. Key Features: - Compatible with Crafty, Crafty+, Mighty, or Mighty+ vaporizers- Durable plastic housing contains borosilicate glass for a pure vapor path- Replaceable screen included- Easy to assemble - Available with a 14mm or 18mm male vaporizer joint- Universally adapts to 10mm, 14mm, and 18mm female water pieces
Great White North Vaporizer Company Arizer Air 2/Solo 2 14mm Glass Adapter
This adapter fits directly into your Arizer Air 2/Solo 2, replacing the traditional stem. It is very easy to install on your device, and it's just as easy to remove (it has a tight fit, heat your device before you place it into your vaporizer for the first time). Once it's installed, you can use your vape with a water tool! Water-filtered vapor is cooler and it allows you to take larger hits, it's amazing what your device can do with one of these. Highly recommended for all Air 2/Solo 2 owners. The adapter has a 14mm or 18mm male joint, so you can plug this directly into a 14mm female joint on your water tool.
Dynavap DynaVap Fat Mouthpiece
The DynaVap Fat Mouthpiece will fit onto the end of all DynaVap models. It can be used as a protective mouthpiece for sharing among friends or it can be used to create a seal with a 14mm female water piece, enabling you to cheaply and easily turn any DynaVap into a water-cooled vaporizer. A very inexpensive and effective way to add water conditioning to any DynaVap model. Please note - the Fat Mouthpiece will not fit into the opening of the DynaStash, you must remove it before placing your DynaVap into the DynaStash.