Boundless Tera Initial Review | www.vapenorth.ca | Vaporizer Review Videos
, by Sneaky Pete, 5 min reading time
, by Sneaky Pete, 5 min reading time
The Tera V3 is the new vaporizer by Boundless. This vape had a rough start. There were questions about the materials being used and whether they were safe at operating temperatures. The new V3 has been fully inspected and cleared by some people I totally trust and respect, and I must say I’m glad.
The Tera V3 is the new vaporizer by Boundless. This vape had a rough start. There were questions about the materials being used and whether they were safe at operating temperatures. The new V3 has been fully inspected and cleared by some people I totally trust and respect, and I must say I’m glad. The third time is a charm and I am really digging this vaporizer. It is primarily convection with a bit of conduction. It has a stainless-steel bowl and two 2500mAh batteries which is a first.
Your Tera will come in a cool box, but it seems excessively large. The instructions are good and you get a ton of accessories, a fact I love. Not really a fan of the plastic mouthpiece, but you can always use the glass one that comes with it. It also includes a water pipe adapter which is awesome!
The Tera has a micro USB charging cable. There is no wall charger at all so use your iPhone wall adapter. It will take a long time to charge using a computer if it’ll even provide enough juice to charge at all. A good alternative is to just pop the batteries out and charge them in a standard 18650 wall charger.
I used isopropyl alcohol to rinse all the mouthpieces and the screen in the bowl. That screen doesn’t stay in there at all which is super annoying. I also used a q-tip to swab the bowl and surrounding parts with some more alcohol. The Tera definitely had a plastic smell. It’s likely the satin finish that manufacturers seem to like that I don’t love, but after a good cleaning and burn off it lost that smell.
The Tera is big and bulky. It’s wide in every direction. I can’t wrap my hand around it and it’s reasonably heavy too. Those twin batteries add some weight not just in and of themselves but also due to the extra size needed for the actual vaporizer to hold them. It isn’t very uncomfortable ergonomically, but if it’s in your bag or pocket you’ll feel it. The mouthpieces connect with magnets, which is cool. The screen is pretty bright. Operations are really basic and there is not too much you can tweak or modify, but you can flip the screen either direction which is convenient.
Click five times to turn it on. You have to do the clicks all in a row and pretty fast. Then you’ll see the screen let you know it’s on. It will display the current temperature until you engage the heater.
There is single-degree control. Temperature goes from 104F up to 428F so it has a huge range. It is a bit weird to change through the temps though. You can hold the buttons to move through the fast, and you can click the down button as fast as you want, but you have to click the up button more slowly because clicking up three times flips the screen to the other side. This is a little goofy.
The Tera can be used with both dry herb and concentrate. You enter concentrate mode by clicking the main button three times once it’s turned on and you’ll see it enter concentrate mode. It’s set at 500F which is not my cup of tea. I don’t know why vape companies INSIST on making their devices for dry herb and concentrate. It’ ok to be dry herb only… we will still love you either way 😊 If you do use it with concentrates, let us know how it works out down in the comments.
First, we tried out the glass mouthpiece, then through the Predator. I find myself using a finer grind and using the included stainless-steel screen. Be careful when you’re unloading your vape though because this screen comes out every time. I’ve tried a pinch in there but it works best with a good pack and a stir mid-session will help with efficiency, but it really all depends on what you’re looking for. With the glass mouthpiece, I like to hit it around 370F – 380F.
When you’re done sampling your Tera dry, fill it up with a fresh load and turn it up to 405F. Now try it through your Predator. As you’ll see the Tera does really well through water. The efficiency is pretty good, the ABV had a darker spot in the middle but other than that it was vaped evenly. It never looked overly darkened so it seems to vape the herb very nicely.
I’m really digging the new Tera and I’m really happy to see that Boundless, a company that has made some solid devices in the past, was able to listen to their customers and fix the problems with the V1 and V2 Tera to make the V3 an excellent piece. It is definitely big and beefy, anything but a Pax 3 that’s for sure. It provides mainly convection heating, there are two big batteries that are user replaceable, and it heats up really quickly producing tons of tasty smooth vapour. I’m glad they threw in a water pipe adapter and the glass mouthpiece. That’s two fewer extra things you need to buy.
What do you think about this one? After the problems with the V1 and V2 are you ready to try to V3? Let me know in the comments and be sure to check out sneakypetestore.com and vapenorth.ca for all my reviews as well as our weekly sales that update every Sunday!
Check out the Boundless Tera, tons of other cool vapes and accessories, as well as all my reviews at either of our stores!
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Boundless Tera
CA - Boundless Tera
US - Boundless Tera